residential seal coating services

Seal Coating Services in Coquitlam

Welcome to the world of exceptional seal coating services in Coquitlam, a bustling city where the integrity of driveways and parking lots plays a significant role in maintaining a seamless urban aesthetic. Amidst Coquitlam’s vibrant residential and commercial scenery, seal coating is a fundamental aspect of pavement maintenance that cannot be overlooked.

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Seal Coating is Important for Maintaining Your Pavement

Seal coating is an essential service, often likened to a ‘shield’ for your pavement. Its primary function is to protect the asphalt from the harsh weather elements that typify Coquitlam’s climate. The protection offered by seal coating extends to UV rays that can break down the asphalt structure, rain that can cause water erosion, and heavy snowfall that can lead to crack formation. By acting as a protective barrier, seal coating significantly prolongs the life of your driveway or parking lot.

Aside from its protective attributes, seal coating serves to enhance the visual appeal of your property. A freshly seal-coated driveway or parking lot dons a sleek, dark finish, contributing positively to your property’s overall aesthetics. This process is often seen as a minor facelift that improves your home or business’s value.

Moreover, seal coating provides a robust defence against oil and gas spills, which are commonly encountered in parking areas. A professionally applied seal coat ensures these substances are kept at the surface, preventing penetration and potential asphalt degradation, thus preserving the surface’s functional integrity.

Seal Coating Techniques and Types Differ Depending on the Job

Seal coating services leverage two primary techniques: spray application and squeegee application.

Spray seal coating is frequently used for broader areas like parking lots, achieving a uniform application of the sealant across the surface. Conversely, the squeegee method is ideal for smaller, more intricate areas such as driveways. It applies a thicker layer of sealant, filling in any minor gaps and offering a more comprehensive protective layer.

Integral to the seal coating process is the selection of sealants. Water-based and oil-based sealants are commonly employed, each possessing its unique advantages. Water-based sealants are typically chosen for surfaces that display existing damage or imperfections. Their exceptional ability to conceal these issues makes them a preferred choice for such situations. On the other hand, oil-based sealants are recommended for well-maintained surfaces or those receiving their first seal. Their composition is best suited to preserving the asphalt’s pristine condition and ensuring a longer-lasting result.

In the realm of seal coating services and paving services Coquitlam, Burnaby Blacktop are tops. As the leading asphalt paving company, we deliver a blend of top-tier quality, unrivalled durability, and expertise to every project.

Big or small we pave it all!

Why should Burnaby Blacktop be your #1 choice for seal coating services?

For starters, our experience is second to none. Our extensive track record of successful projects speaks volumes of our commitment to excellence. Secondly, we use premium quality materials to ensure your driveways and parking lots look their best and stand the test of time. Moreover, our customer service is unrivalled. We understand the importance of communication and prioritize keeping our clients informed and satisfied at every stage of the project.

Trust us with your paving needs and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with superior quality and service. Give us a call or submit a contact form, and we’ll give you an estimate!

Our Coverage Area Includes:

We service the Greater Vancouver Area, from Vancouver to Aldergrove. If you need any information or the city is not listed in our locations , please do not hesitate to contact us or to call us. We probably service your area too!

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