What are the Alternatives to Traditional Speed Bumps for Calming Traffic?
Burnaby Blacktop isn’t just for road paving. A top priority in Burnaby and other urban areas is managing vehicle speed and making sure that roads are safe. There are ways of doing this that are effective alternatives to the traditional speed bump with less disruption. Here, we explore the various options and compare traditional speed bumps with other options, such as rubber speed bumps, speed tables, chicanes, and raised crosswalks.
Comparing Traditional Speed Bump Installations to Rubber Speed Bumps
By creating a significant vertical displacement in the road surface, a traditional asphalt or concrete speed bump installation compels drivers to slow down. Although these bumps can effectively reduce vehicle speed, they also can often result in a jarring ride for passengers and potential wear on vehicles. Sometimes, drivers swerve around them, causing a safety hazard.
A modern alternative to the traditional concrete counterparts is rubber speed bumps. Being easier to install, remove or reposition, they offer a smoother driving experience which can minimize vehicle wear and reduce the jarring effect. Rubber speed bumps provide a flexible option for municipal paving projects. They can cause some noise and discomfort, and their effectiveness can vary based on installation quality and road conditions.
Traffic Calming with Innovative Solutions
Several innovative solutions are worth considering when enhancing traffic safety and reducing speed more effectively.
The Use of Speed Tables
Spanning the road’s entire width, speed tables are elevated sections that use a more gentle slope and provide a smoother transition instead of the sharp rise and fall of speed bumps. Combining a warning to slow down while maintaining a comfortable ride, speed tables are particularly useful in areas with pedestrian traffic, such as near schools or parks. Their extended surface allows emergency vehicles to pass over them without significant speed reduction, making them a practical choice for diverse urban conditions.
Installing Chicanes
A creative solution to traffic speed is the use of Chicanes. In this type of municipal paving, a series of alternating curves or tight turns are introduced into a straight stretch of road. This design forces drivers to navigate through a winding path, naturally reducing their speed. Chicanes allow for flexibility in design and placement, using road markings, curbing, or landscaping. The result is slower traffic and enhanced aesthetic appeal. Chicanes improve pedestrian safety and reduce speeding effectively by altering the layout of the road itself.
A Raised Crosswalk
This solution elevates pedestrian crossings to the level of the surrounding sidewalk. This forces drivers to slow down as they approach the crossing. It also makes pedestrians more visible to those drivers. Raised crosswalks are ideal for areas with high pedestrian traffic, such as near schools, shopping centers, or other community hubs. Another way they reduce the chance of an accident is to improve the sightline for both pedestrians and drivers. When combined with signage and lighting, raised crosswalks significantly enhance safety.
Traditional and rubber speed bumps certainly have their roles in traffic-calming. However, depending on the location and circumstances, alternatives like speed tables, chicanes, and raised crosswalks can provide effective solutions for reducing speeding and enhancing road safety. They integrate well with broader municipal paving and road design strategies.
For a better driving and walking environment in Burnaby and other municipalities, utilizing various calming measures can provide a safer, more efficient roadway, and that is a benefit to all road users.