Jul 14, 2024

Speed Bumps: Essential for Managing Vehicle Speeds and Ensuring Safety

On roads, parking lots, and residential areas, speed bumps play a crucial role in ensuring driving safety. Burnaby Blacktop, a leading speed bump installation company in BC, understands the importance of choosing the right speed bump for each specific setting and situation.

In this post, we’ll explore different types of speed bumps, such as rubber speed bumps, along with other traffic safety solutions like speed humps and rumble strips.

Traditional Speed Bumps

Traditional speed bumps, usually made of asphalt or concrete, are characterized by their height and steepness. They reduce vehicle speed to about 5 to 10 mph, making them ideal for areas like parking lots, school zones, and places where pedestrian safety is a priority. The pronounced jolt felt when driving over them signals drivers to be extra alert. At Burnaby Blacktop, we ensure these bumps are installed securely and comply with local regulations.

Rubber Speed Bumps

Rubber speed bumps, crafted from durable recycled rubber, are known for their easy installation and removal. These are particularly useful in situations where it’s necessary to slow down traffic without causing a significant jolt to passengers or damage to vehicles. Rubber speed bumps offer a flexible solution, typically used for temporary setups.

Concrete Speed Bumps

For long-term traffic solutions, especially in high-traffic areas, concrete speed bumps are a durable choice. Our concrete division specializes in concrete speed bumps, offering customized sizes and shapes to ensure optimal performance and stability, even under heavy vehicle loads and harsh weather conditions.

The Speed Hump

Speed humps are lower and less steep than traditional speed bumps, allowing vehicles to cross over them at speeds of 15 to 20 mph. They are used to slow down traffic in areas like hospital zones and residential streets, providing a smoother driving experience while still increasing caution.

The Rumble Strip

Rumble strips use texture-generated sound to alert drivers to reduce speed. They are particularly useful on highways, near stop signs, and in areas with a history of speed-related accidents. Rumble strips are especially effective in low-visibility conditions or at night.

Other Traffic Control Measures

In addition to speed bumps and humps, other traffic control measures such as raised crosswalks, chicanes (road narrowing), traffic islands, and pedestrian refuges help control driving behaviour. These methods enhance the overall environment for pedestrians and cyclists, improving road safety.

Factors such as traffic volume, speed, and pedestrian activity should be considered by municipalities, property owners, and managers to determine the most appropriate solution.

Effective traffic management and adherence to regulatory standards are integral to Burnaby Blacktop’s approach. We provide solutions that enhance safety and promote proper driving behavior, whether through temporary rubber speed bumps or more permanent installations.

Contact Us for Expert Speed Bump Installation

Burnaby Blacktop is your go-to expert for speed bump installations. Learn more about our comprehensive speed bump installation services by contacting us. Discover how we can tailor our solutions to meet your specific needs and create safer roadways for everyone.

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